Refund & Return Policy

Refund & Return Policy

Your Consent

By using our platform, registering an account, or making a purchase, you acknowledge and agree to our Return & Refund Policy and its terms.

Refund & Return Policy


- Non-Refundable Donations: All donations made to our server are non-refundable. Once a donation is made, it cannot be reversed or refunded under any circumstances.
- Forced Refund Consequences: If we detect any attempt to force a refund, the user account involved will be permanently banned from our server.

Shop Purchases
- Issue with Purchase: If you encounter any issues with your purchase, such as receiving the wrong item or not receiving your item (reward) at all, you can open a ticket on our Discord server for assistance.
- How to Open a Ticket: To open a ticket, please visit our Discord server and follow the instructions in the support channel. Provide detailed information about your issue to help us resolve it promptly.

Contact Us

- For any questions or further assistance, please reach out to our support team on Discord. We are here to help and ensure you have a smooth experience.

Via Discord :